SALISBURY Af Lift Front Hood Assy PrismShield Plus 40 Cal
SALISBURY 40-Cal Lift Front Hood | LFH40RG-PP
Prismshield Plus Lift Front Hood is a lighter, more comfortable arc flash hood that provides users with clear visibility, breathability, and safety.
Garments are available in calories 8 to 40 in our standard, Westex UltraSoft® fabric. 40 calorie garments are also available in premium, lightweight GlenGuard fabric. 65 and 100 calorie garments are only available in premium material.
The Prismshield Plus nanoparticle technology allows the full spectrum of light to be transmitted and observed by the user. Therefore, all colors can be observed and clearly identified with the face shields – blues are blue, greens are green.
Compared to the legacy green arc shields from Salisbury, the Prismshield Plus transmits 25% more wavelengths, making colors clearer and more visible across the color spectrum. Cutting edge nanotechnology enhances visibility, making colors stand out and be easily identified from each other.
Prismshield Plus color recognition makes colors visible where they once were almost indistinguishable. The circles to the right are common when testing for color blindness, the superior performance of the face shield is undeniable.
Color recognition testing showed that using the Prismshield Plus gives the same color perception as not wearing a face shield at all.